Filed under: youth ministry, church, books, emerging church, youth work
at the youth ministry exec council this week, in washington, dc, we had an interesting morning chat around the subject of “the future of youth ministry”. it wasn’t overly deep or profound — just a healthy discussion with lots of great questi0ns. the organizers wanted to kick-start the discussion with three short presentation on the next 10 years:
the future of the word (me)
the future of the church (richard ross)
the future of youth ministry (dave curtiss)
it was a bit of a daunting task, to share some kind of reasonable discussion-bearing fodder about the future of the world, in 5 minutes, to 40 of the key leaders (who i assume are all as well read or moreso than me) in evangelicalism. anyhow, here’s a summary of what i said…
The world in 10 years
(a ridiculously subjective summary by Mark Oestreicher)
Daniel Pink’s book (one of the best books I read last year) is primarily about the change in culture that will demand more right-brained thinking than the dominant left-brain thinking of the past few decades. He talks about the need for leaders to be creatives and empathizers, more than (the former) logicians and knowledge workers.
In one short chapter, Pink offers a three-part summary of the primary change we’ll experience in the next 10 years (of course, Pink’s book is written to business leaders, so keep that in mind):
A few facts from the book:
- Half of the Fortune 500 companies now outsource to India.
- 1 out of 10 IT job will move overseas (to Asia) in the next 2 years; 1 out of 4 by 2010.
Our issue isn’t the outsourcing of jobs, of course.
But what will it mean for our affluent and resourced churches and youth ministries when our country, religiously, looks more like Europe, and the thriving, model-creating influence in the church is coming from Asia? Will be have the humility to learn and grow?
Quote from the book: “The result [of massive automation]: as the scut work gets off-loaded, engineers and programmers [think youth workers!] will have to master different aptitudes, relying more on creativity than competence, more on tacit knowledge than technical manuals, and more on fashioning the big picture than sweating the details.”
Nobody predicted that Western teenagers would so quickly skip over the already slow and tedious technology of email and so fully embrace the instant real-time social technologies of IM, texting, and MySpace.
MySpace has already replaced the mall, and is THE place for teenage social networks. But all we’re doing so far is talking about the dangers.
A few facts from the book:
- self-storage is a $17 Billion industry in the U.S. alone
- the U.S. spends more on trash bags annually than nearly half the nations of the world spend on ALL goods.
The impact: the search for empathy, beauty, play and meaning.
Columbia University’s Andrew Delbanco: “The most striking feature of contemporary culture is in the unslaked craving for transcendence.”
This is our story! Empathy, beauty, play, meaning and transcendence? That’s our stuff! And we know the inventor of those things!
One more thought, NOT from the book
Many sociologist and culture writers are talking about a major shift in identity, from…
An identity rooted in individual and national (I am autonomous, I am how I define myself. “I did it my way”. The Marlboro Man. Anything larger than me is a nationalistic connection.)
An identity rooted in local and global, or what some emerging leaders are cutely calling “glocal” (I am defined as part of a ‘local’ community – but local isn’t geographic, it’s however I define my community; and, I see my identity more rooted in being a citizen of the world than in being a citizen of my country.)
Obviously, this has massive implications for us in church leadership and youth ministry leadership, as most of our theologies, approaches, assumptions and methods are built on individual/national identity frameworks.
10 Comments so far
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“youth ministry exec council in washington, dc” What the!? That meeting sounds about as far from youth as you can get, how did you get suckered into that?
Comment by mike 05.05.06 @ 1:28 pmthe YMEC has a great purpose, actually. it brings together exec leaders from all kinds of youth ministry organizations, like YFC and Youth With a Mission and Student Venture and dozens of others, for networking, prayer, dreaming. the downside of it is that it’s a purely conservative group — there’s no mainline representation there at all. but it’s still a really valuable time.
Comment by marko 05.05.06 @ 1:35 pmi agree with ty! :-)
this needs to be a conversation at NYWC.
i think there would be folks there who would be interested in thinking about the future and theory etc rather than just the practical.
but then maybe it’s in there as well.
Comment by riddle 05.05.06 @ 3:30 pmof course… this isn’t news to you marko.
i’ve been beating this drum for a while…
i’m just taking the opportunity to reinforce Ty’s thinking!
Comment by riddle 05.05.06 @ 3:32 pmDon’t listen to ANYTHING Ty has to say!!! ;) Now, he has to remeber who I am before he gets upset! :)
Comment by Deneice 05.05.06 @ 4:05 pmIf you’re taking notes, I would love to see what the others said in their catagories. Those are fascinating things to think about.
I hung out with Jay and Jen last week in Denver - fun fun.
Comment by Dan 05.05.06 @ 4:15 pmMark,
Thanks for the overview of Pink’s book, I’m ordering it now. Good words on the glocal concept. It seems to me that Jesus’ kingdom transcends nation-state borders, and that this concept should inform us in the current debate surrounding imigration. I have to often ask myself: Am I leading a lifestyle leading toward comfort and self-preservation or abandonment and service? It seems to me that there is wisdom in giving our life away, namely that we might find it.
Comment by J.R. Woodward 05.06.06 @ 3:24 amA Whole New Mind
by Mike Atkinson, Guest Blogger If you’re reading CMS, you’re proving your interest in how your church can impact your community–and probably also how culture is impacting your church. With that in mind, I highly recommend reading a book that made w…
Trackback by Church Marketing Sucks 05.16.06 @ 9:07 pm[…] left-brain apologetics (btw, not sure i agree with everything i wrote in this post — brent kunkle of str has helped shift my thinking a bit) a fun little right-brain exercise the world in 10 years […]
Pingback by ysmarko 11.07.06 @ 4:39 pmLeave a comment
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so i just registered for nywc in the fall, but i didn’t see any of these offerings marko. what about discussions like this at nywc? what about digging through some books in small groups while there. i’m thinking about “revolution” by barna, “the shapping of things to come” by frost, “velvet elvis” by bell, “blue like jazz” by miller and many more. i think if you start combining the ideas that run through them, and the ones your talking about, it will be a very different world, culture, life and reality and the Gospel needs to be there in the midst of all of it.
that would be a great smaller group discussion at nywc. or maybe a ongoing dialog on your blog?
Comment by ty hogue 05.05.06 @ 10:42 am