blogging from the atlanta national youth workers convention?
Thursday November 08th 2007, 7:27 pm
Filed under: youth ministry, youth specialties, blogs, youth work

let me know if you’ll be blogging from the atlanta convention this coming week, and i’ll add you to a linked list i’ll post on thursday.

making the most of the convention
Friday November 02nd 2007, 5:00 am
Filed under: youth ministry, youth specialties, blogs, youth work

love this list from steve argue about how to make the most of the convention. very closely lines up with what i share in the opening session.

Go to a seminar you disagree with… to understand.

Sit in a different spot each session… try to see from another perspective.

Talk with someone different than you… to learn.

Seek out a youth workder half your age or twice your age… buy them coffee.

Spend time being quiet… resist perpetuating busyness in your life.

Sleep in or stay up late… jolt your natural schedule.

Support local restaurants, avoid places you could eat at from home.

Take the long way… let go of efficiency.

Summarize your notes… share them with someone when you get home.

Walk around the block. Don’t say you’ve been in St. Louis until you’ve done so.

Sing nothing during worship… listen as though you were hearing the words for the first time.

Share with someone what the Spirit was saying to you as you listened throughout the plenary gathering… avoid critiquing the message.

Embrace a quote of the day, image of the day, song of the day, surprise of the day, conversation of the day. Journal them.

Avoid at all costs saying, “When I was here last time…”


blogging from the st. louis national youth workers convention
Thursday November 01st 2007, 6:00 am
Filed under: youth ministry, youth specialties, blogs, youth work

the following list are people who i exect (because they said so, or because i know they’re attending) will be blogging from the national youth workers convention in st. louis this weekend. i’ll update the list regularly.

mike king

jason raitz

andy sahl

jake bouma

lewis polzin

steve argue


mike kupferer

tash mcgill

sean meade


mark riddle

tim schmoyer

carol ann kelly

william hartz, with vlogs here, and twitter updates



brent lacy

eli roogles, and twittering

nic burleson

and, yup, me


blogging from the st. louis national youth workers convention?
Tuesday October 30th 2007, 3:36 am
Filed under: youth ministry, youth specialties, blogs, youth work

who’s going to be blogging from the convention? let me know, and i’ll add you to the list, which i’ll likely post on thursday.


ok, i’ll fold
Wednesday October 24th 2007, 6:00 am
Filed under: personal, blogs, humor

first this
then, this


the new ys publishing blog
Friday October 19th 2007, 10:57 am
Filed under: youth specialties, blogs

jay3.jpgwe have a few other ys staff who blog. but until now, mine has been the only blog that “represents” ys in some way. now our publisher, jay howver, throws in with it’s a behind-the-scenes look at ys publishing in particular, and the world of publishing in general; plus jay will have some personal stuff and youth ministry stuff, i’m sure. jay’s a great writer and thinker, and tracks literally hundreds of blogs (FAR more than i do). so it’s great to have him in the fray. check it out, bookmark it, add it to your bloglines or other reader.


blogging from the san diego national youth workers convention
Thursday October 18th 2007, 6:00 am
Filed under: youth ministry, youth specialties, blogs, youth work

here’s a list of those who’ve said they’ll be blogging (or, bloggers i’ve found in my searching) from the convention this week. i’ll update it regularly as i find more.

steve argue

joel newton

brian eberly

sandy hughes

eric beeman

lars rood

ty hogue

victor estrada

geoff battersby

vince marotte

cortney smith

joseph yoo

eric wakeling

youth guy evan

david oceguera

daniel so

ryan nielsen

aaron geist

chris folmsbee

mike king

aaron alexander

john stephens

joel mayward

and, of course, me

and, as a bonus, jonathan mckee is posting regular podcasts of his “roadtrip” to the NYWC, including (he tells me) responses after general sessions.


“minister of questions”
Wednesday October 17th 2007, 11:51 am
Filed under: faith, church, blogs, emerging church

just stumbled onto this wonderful post by j.t. about his desire to be a “minister of questions.” love it. great post.


a primer on virtual worlds
Wednesday October 17th 2007, 10:01 am
Filed under: youth ministry, blogs, youth work

Second Life residents.jpgif virtual worlds are something you’ve heard of, but are still a bit unsure of (online spaces like second life, or even neopets), here’s a great, short summary of virtual worlds.

youth workers, this would be good to pass along to parents, who might be clueless about virtual worlds.

this blogger also has similar helpful posts on:
blogs and blogging
social networking
and a whole bunch of other subjects

(ht to ypulse)

1 Comment

blogging at the san diego NYWC?
Tuesday October 16th 2007, 6:00 am
Filed under: youth ministry, youth specialties, blogs, youth work

who’s going to be blogging? i’ll keep an evolving list, and it will be linked on the computers at the convention computer lounge.