1680 guitar players simultaneously play “smoke on the water”
Thursday June 21st 2007, 6:09 am
Filed under: humor, music, news

dude, this is the kind of hard-hitting stuff that makes ysmarko.com a must read for so many people. yeah.

who among us, who play guitar even a bit, haven’t strummed “smoke on the water” at some point? our junior high worship band used to warm up to it all the time at my last church! well, 1680 guitar players gathered in kansas city recently to break the guiness world record for people playing the same song together. here’s the article.

my favorite paragraph from the article:

“I thought it was going to be kind of cheesy,” said Hannah Koch, of Prairie Village, who came clad in an elf costume. “But after I got here, I got caught up in the excitement of it.”

honey. you thought it was going to ‘kind of cheesy’, but you came clad in an elf costume?

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i have to admit that i first thought you meant guitar players from 1680, realized that was implausible, and instead thought you meant guitar players playing guitars from 1680. then i finally latched onto the real meaning. i need to get my brain checked.

Comment by joel daniel 06.21.07 @ 3:16 pm

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