Filed under: personal
last night, at the canadafire event in vancouver, i had to punt, big time. i’d planned a talk based on my understanding that the audience would be a split of youth workers and high school and university student leaders. well, for whatever reason, they didn’t have as many youth workers this year. and “student leader” was, well, maybe, a loose definition. at least it wasn’t quite what i expected. mark yaconelli (also speaking at the event) and i joked a lot about how many 12 year-old youth ministry leaders there must be in canada. the moment i walked into the auditorium and saw the crowd, i knew i was in trouble (with what i had planned). and when the female emcee roled (literally) out onto the stage and starting whooping it up, i instantly stood up, walked to the lobby, and started pacing, while trying to think of an entirely new talk i could give, 15 minutes from that time.
oh, and yesterday at the airport, i had another random encounter. i was standing by the airport exit, chatting with darian, the event host, when chris seay walked past me (chris is the pastor of ecclesia in houston, founding pastor of university baptist church in waco, ys author, many-time ys speaker, husband of a former girlfriend of mine). we had a manly hug and a nice short chat. the world just trips me out sometimes.
now, after a 5am start and two flights, i’m in minneapolis, getting ready for the wedding rehearsal of my friend.
6 Comments so far
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I commented already about the canadafire event on Friday…but seriously man my students were talking about that speach the entire car ride back to their homes. What you said truly struck a chord with them, and praise be to our God for giving you that speach. Even if you pulled that thing outta thin air…it was a fresh wind for my students.
Comment by Tyler 10.21.06 @ 2:02 amyeah, thanks for changing it up at the last mo. fabulous word on faith, i echo tyler. and thank you for perfectly emphasising our youth vision statement at one point and helping us as we ask the same question .. what does faith look like?
Comment by Tom Sopwith 10.21.06 @ 2:19 amgood times having you back in Canada. was a real blessing. much love. darian
Comment by darian 10.21.06 @ 10:07 amlucky for you we love eagles eh? it was a sweet preach, never would have known you pulled it outta…anyways, goodtimes and the students were blessed. 12 year olds are the new 20!
Comment by liz 10.21.06 @ 2:19 pmHey Marko! Thanks for coming to CampusFire! I’ve heard of monkies flying out of people’s butts, but eagles — that a new one… the word was good though for sure!
And yes — my wife can “roll” with the best of them onto any stage - wood or carpet.. :P
Thanks for the compliments about the worship leading too — it was much appreciated!
Rob P.
Comment by 10.30.06 @ 4:57 amLeave a comment
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Good thing you’re a brilliant, quick-thinking, ready-to-improvise kind of guy, huh? Or, good thing you’ve given lots of talks before…
So what did you do?
Comment by kyle 10.20.06 @ 7:22 pm