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there’s been a bit of a buzz of frustration around the NYWC about the new york times article about youth ministry. i’m pleased to hear how many people are reacting to the ‘fear of culture’ perspective it seems to say we all have. in the opening general session yesterday, buster soaries (a pastor from new jersey, former NJ secretary of state, and a huge proactive influence on his community) expressed frustration about it, and said this:
God will take care of the church. That shouldn’t be our concern. But there are people in the church who don’t care about teenagers. That’s why we’re here.
the austin newspaper ran an article yesterday about the convention that really ended up being somewhat of a rebuttle to the times piece.
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I wanted to say thanks for NYWC. It’s a genuinely encouraging place to be. The conference so far has been a much needed breather. I love that I can think and be challenged, laugh, and pause to pray. I sincerely appreciate all the effort you and your team go through to make it happen.
I just wanted to say thanks!
Comment by Klint Bitter 10.07.06 @ 12:22 pm