Filed under: family
after a long flight in from argentina, it was great to sit around the family dinner table last night, and hear things like this:
max (8): these grapes are great! are they organic?
liesl (12): i want to cut my hair shorter.
well, i really just want it thinner.
i wish i had a pair of thinning scissors to do it myself.
ooh, that would have a bad ending.
max: today i was bending over to tie my shoe, and some kid kinda sat on my head, and said, ‘hey max, what’s your head doing by my balls?’
jeannie: what did you say?
max: i didn’t say anything. i just kept my head down and kept tying my shoe, and he left.
liesl: (grunting, squishing up face)
me: are you trying to fart?
liesl: no! i’m trying to think!
yup, good to be home.
3 Comments so far
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Your daughter sounds like a spunky one. Like father like daughter?
Comment by Friar_Tuck 09.14.06 @ 6:18 pmLeave a comment
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I just spit on my computer screen laughing.
Comment by Eric Wakeling 09.14.06 @ 12:07 pm