thanks for praying - the pass through the andes opened up yesterday, and the excited mob of chileans made it to the convention. i made it through my general session (with disappointing translation — i had to repeat so many sentences for him, and i found out later he translated my statement “we have to stop raping the bible” as “we have to stop reading the bible”), and things seem to be moving smoothly! of course, the crowd is wild and wonderful and full of energy. brian mclaren is here (he’s on a one-month central and south american trip), and it was good to sit and get caught up with him today. he’s speaking in a general session tomorrow morning.
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marko i was recently speaking in romania and asked the translator to read from Joel 3: 10′ let the weaking say i am strong’ she read from Job and her version said ‘ for it did not shut the doors of the womb on me!’ and ‘beware of the sea beast’ no wonder the students looked slightly bemused!
Comment by adrian 09.10.06 @ 7:14 pm