i stumbled onto this extremely articulate post by a teenager (wow, sign that girl up for a book!) about why she’ll be in church every sunday, but no longer attending her youth group. well said, natalie, well said.
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natalie is amazing. Everytime I’m around her I secretly wish I could have a few of her in my youth group.
Comment by denise 09.05.06 @ 3:50 pmWow. I agree - very well stated, Natalie. I’ve often wondered about all the techno fun that goes on at our church. The wall murals and character themes in the various kids’ meeting rooms are attractive to kids, and it seems the idea is to get them interested and provide something that makes them want to return. But at what point does the message of Christ potentially get lost in the maze of bright lights and playstations?
Comment by Kathy 09.05.06 @ 5:41 pmThanks, Marko. I appreciate the encouragement and the shout-out… I’d write a book in a heartbeat; if only someone would publish it!
She reads Fredrick Buechner and Madeline L’engle and listens to Damien Rice and Sufjan Stevens. Clone her - NOW!
I expected to read, “…and if we play another ‘Youth Specialties’ game, I’m gonna scream!”
Comment by john musick 09.05.06 @ 11:46 pmLeave a comment
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natalie is an amazing teen. she’d probably be better suited to do my job than i am
Comment by gavin 09.05.06 @ 11:42 am