Filed under: church
my church’s high school pastor, brian berry, wrote a great hyper-condensed summary of what he learned at the willow creek leadership summit this year:
BILL HYBELS: Lead with a constellation, not over a delegation. (fyi: A constellation is by his definition a group of people who you share power with instead of delegate to. They are people who may even have more power over an area of responsibility than you do)
JAMES MEEKS: Celebrate the small victories- they are the best way to keep the vision hot.
ANDY STANLEY: God cannot build a healthy church with unhealthy followers. My primary responsibility is health in me and my family so I have something to contribute to the cause. “Never violate the principles of God to gain the blessings of God.”
PEG NEUHAUSER: In every conflict I either build, maintain, repair or damage the relationship. There is no neutral ground.
ASHISH NANDA: Never underestimate the power of context and a team to bring about success.
JIM COLLINS: Great people will do Great things when they do what they love.
BONO: The gospel that changes a heart without moving your hands is not the Gospel. (this was the most powerful interview/music video piece I’ve ever seen)
PATRICK LENCIONI Teamwork should come before, not because of a crisis.
WAYNE CORDIERO: A healthy self comes from knowing what fills my cup and what drains it. So guard the flow.
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cool .. I like the Bono quote: “The gospel that changes a heart without moving your hands is not the Gospel.”
Comment by Sivin 08.24.06 @ 11:53 amjust an fyi… yes the BONO interview was a video. If you find a church that hosted the event or someone who went to the event via satelite in your area, you could ask them if they ordered a copy. Due to copyright stuff, it’s not for sale and only available to those who attended. Our church is going to show it on a weekend and I’m sure lots of others will too. It was amazing.
As for the sentence summaries. Just for clarification sake, some are direct quotes from the speakers, some are not. The one from BONO is my summary, not his quote for what it’s worth.
Comment by Brian 08.24.06 @ 12:33 pmsince people actually read marko’s blog :) … for those who really wanted “quotes”, I republished the original blog adding quotes where words came from the speaker. Hope that helps the learnings.
Comment by Brian 08.24.06 @ 12:42 pm[…] Visit original post by marko […]
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What was the BONO video? Sounds like something I might like to watch.
Comment by Krista D. 08.24.06 @ 11:40 am