liesl (my 12 year-old daughter) and i fly to england today. hope the air travel isn’t too much of a nightmare. i’m doing a couple mornings of youth ministry training at soul survivor, a couple hours west of england. i had such a great time at soul survivor last year, and posted quite a few thoughts:
lonely in a crowd?
conversion to a life of justice
a new response for me to a crappy speaker
another uniqueness of soul survivor
naming the vibe
i’m not sure what kind of ability i’ll have to post. we’ll see — last year i did it on my phone!
liesl and i will also spend parts of four days playing in london. i’m really looking forward to this — we’ll have so much fun together there.
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be dafe - if my geography memory serves correct, “a couple hours west of england is in the atlantic. maybe western ireland if you’re in a s-l-o-w plane. enjoy.
Comment by dp 08.12.06 @ 9:38 pmLeave a comment
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Can I just say that as a (relatively) young person, it just makes my heart sing that you spend so much time investing in your kids. I hope they know, when they’re old enough to realize what a blessing this is, how you talk about them and the pride and love that comes through even on your blog. Someday they’ll recognize that having a dad who spends time with them and is so obviously enthralled by them is such a reflection of God’s love.
Keep doing it–I wish my dad had!
Comment by Katie 08.12.06 @ 7:35 pm