Filed under: youth ministry
i’ve been working with middle schoolers for about 25 years. i’ve learned over-and-over-and-over again to pre-screen every video i ever use. but last night, in our 6th grade guys small group, we were using some video curriculum i trusted (after all, we published it!). the lesson was on humility. the guys were insanely out of control. we’d played a little game about humility, spent some time defining it, then popped in the DVD that was sure to bring a jewel of discussion-fodder about humility. except, half-way through the video, my co-leader and i looked at each other and started laughing: neither of us had ONE OUNCE of a clue what the video had to do with humility. it was a spacey-odd worship-song video of a song called ‘we come in peace’. geez. not our best night in small group!
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marko, did you check out the rest of the website from the marshmallow shooters? there are some really choice gems in the products they sell. this one says… “empower children to explore the toilet independently” explore a toilet? eww!
Comment by ty hogue 03.24.06 @ 8:38 amLeave a comment
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Seen that video…never really understood it. Yes it pays to preview!
Comment by Brian 03.23.06 @ 3:12 pm