my good friend renee altson spoke at a youth ministry gathering in oh-canada this past weekend. i’m so proud of her — this was a huge step for her. i LOVED this bit of her email, along with these great photos, taken by her friend jen.
We wrote words on rocks and set them up on the stage steps, and had people
pick them after ‘feasting’ on the “lavish love of God” — and it was a great
time with folks from the college writing the words on the rocks. And the
youth department assistant guy was looking them over after the session ended
and picked up one that said “Juicy” and said to me, “Did you write this?”
And when I smiled and nodded he said, “no one else would have dared.”
6 Comments so far
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I can say with 100% honesty that those pictures, combined with those words, are some of the most beautiful I’ve ever seen. I’m touched.
Comment by Marty 03.20.06 @ 4:01 pmI have to agree with Marty, these are beautiful pictures. Very touching.
Comment by Mark Pryor 03.20.06 @ 5:05 pmI still have rocks from conferences years ago that used things like this; huge impact, and it does a lot for me to see the words other people choose to descibe God’s love. So much new perspective comes out of a rock pile!
Comment by Isaac 03.20.06 @ 5:19 pmI think I might steal (borrow) this idea for our summer camp this year. Thanks Marko!
Comment by Erik 03.20.06 @ 5:30 pmyeah ditto on the images.
absolutely awesome.
now if only i could find 3000 pebbles like that for eastercamp.
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It was a great conference! I loved how Renee ended this conference with a communion feast (the chocolate was a great touch!). I found my rock pretty quick…”Chosen.” Ironically that word was one of the central themes of my sermon that I preached the next morning! Great times had, great stories shared…I left truly feeling touched by God.
Comment by Tyler 03.20.06 @ 3:43 pm