Filed under: blogs
so. people have been bugging me about blogging for a year or more. and i’ve wanted to. i’ve almost started many times. here’s been my two primary concerns: i don’t want a cheesy blog that’s just a marketing front for Youth Specialties. i keep seeing organizational leaders are starting blogs simply for this reasons (of course, there are great exceptions). i could easily write laundered, sanitized, and even occaisionally fiesty-but-well-aimed thoughts in a organizationally-promoting way. not interested (as much as i love promoting YS).
But the rub has been this (and my 2nd reason for a year of hesitancy): if i blog about what i’m really thinking, i stand to alienate a reasonable portion of the YS crowd! i don’t really want to do that either.
so, i sat and stewed about it for a year.
about a month ago, i decided, “crap, i have to do this.” then, this past weekend, i was reading (WAY overdue reading, i might add) Kenda Dean’s Practicing Passion (the link goes to Jonny Baker’s review of the book, because it’s such a great summary) on a plane, and kept thinking, “ooh, i wish i could blog about that!”
i want to do this as a sort of spiritual discipline. i know this will help me work things out — whether they be personal issues, faith issues, church issues, youth ministry issues, whatever. if you choose to read, so be it.
here we go!
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welcome to the blogosphere! i pray your fears are unfounded. i always say that if luther and calvin had to have every thought they ever had about theology instantly criticized by the world we would have a very different church today.
Comment by bobbie 05.01.05 @ 2:18 pmI admire your courage, starting a blog and then linking to it from the YS update! It really opens you up to a lot of potential criticisms. I have a “private” blog that I let like 5 people read because of similar fears, I can say I think it is a great spiritual practice. So blog on!!!!!
Comment by Becca 05.04.05 @ 2:06 pmLeave a comment
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Just wanted to be the first to post a comment. Rock on!
Comment by Roni 04.27.05 @ 8:57 pm