so, a couple weeks ago i spoke at a big event for junior highers in… where was i?… oh, yeah, cincinnati. and after the trip, i received an email from matt crandall of southland christian church in lexington, kentucky. he was kind about my talks and all, but said he was constantly distracted by my resemblance to “mikey” from the tv show “american chopper.” i’ve seen the show a couple times, and hadn’t thought of it.
but i have to admit, with my blonde hair these days, and my currently extreme girth, there IS an unfortunate resemblance!
matt also sent me this mocked-up bit. lovely, ain’t it? (in case it’s not obvious, that’s mikey’s hair, not mine.)
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NO WAY!!! I did my internship at Southland…don’t know Matt though (sorry Matt)…but it shows that great things (just like UK Wildcat basketball) come from Kentucky! GO BIG BLUE!
As for the hair…I kinda like it…after all, you change your hairstyle every few years anyway. Just look at the profile pic!
Marko- I have to admit I love the show but had never thought about your resemblance to Mikey. I like you both. Hope you don’t feel too down about the comparison. At least Mikey is the loveable one.
Comment by Lars Rood 03.06.07 @ 9:22 pmLeave a comment
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but is that your dirty thumb?
Comment by Dana 03.06.07 @ 10:44 am